General Terms and Conditions of Business

ECLESS SMARTHOME BİLİŞİM TEKNOLOJİLERİ İNŞAAT LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ (hereinafter referred to as is a service provider through which landlords can specifically market their holiday properties on the Internet. Via the portal, the tourist offer can be created and published by the landlord himself.

§ 1 Subject matter of the contract
As a specialised service provider, offers its customers advertising services for the marketing of holiday properties on the internet in the form of a standardised advertisement. Guests can call up and book the published offers on the internet or contact the landlord directly. provides its services on the basis of an individual contract concluded with the customer, the registration, these General Terms and Conditions and the prices valid when the contract is concluded. An order is only deemed to be accepted by an e-mail confirmation from the customer service department of The advertisement will then be placed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, whereby short interruptions of operation due to technical maintenance work are possible. Therefore, there is no claim to constant availability.

§ 2 Data collection and activation treats customer master data confidentially. It is the customer's responsibility to ensure that no third party has access to this system. If third party access is suspected, the password can be changed. The customer can collect his data for the presentation by himself and put them truthfully on the internet page If this data cannot be entered electronically by the customer himself, the customer service of will take over the creation of the advertisement on the basis of the information provided by the customer for a fee of EUR 50,00. With regard to data quality, essential principles for texts have been worked out for free advertisement texts, which are indispensable for publication on the Internet within the framework of quality assurance by For the integration of photos, the digital form with a maximum size of 600 x 450 and pixels is required. can reserve the right to publish an advertisement due to poor image material. After an editorial preliminary check, the final activation is carried out by the customer service.

§ 3 Payment modalities invoices the customer for the services provided according to the agreed conditions. This invoice is sent to the customer by e-mail. The basis for invoicing is an advertisement activation ordered from or a desired advertisement extension by the customer. The transfer of the annual fee is due when the advertisement has been created. The transfer shall be made to the bank account of ECLESS İNŞAAT LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ. The invoice amount can also be paid in cash on site.

§ 4 Forwarding of room requests
The forwarding of electronic enquiries for a property is free of charge. The customer must ensure the accuracy of his contact details and is responsible for responding diligently to enquiries from guests. The referral is free of commission. However, does not assume any referral guarantee for enquiries or reservations made.

§ 5 Contract term and termination
The contract is valid for 12 months from the activation date of the object. refrains from interrupting this term. In the event of premature deactivation of an object by the customer, the remaining term expires without reimbursement of the annual fee. An automatic extension of the contract does not take place. In the period of 8 weeks before the expiry of the contract term, the customer can extend the contract for a further 12 months, taking into account the prices valid at this time.

§ 6 Copyrights and licensing rights
The customer guarantees that the photos provided for the creation of his advertisement are free of third party rights and grants the right to publish these in print media or online services within the framework of the marketing of his object. treats the customer master data confidentially. The portal is protected by copyright, all rights reserved. reserves the right to make technical and creative changes to the screen design, regional navigation structures and written documents in the course of technical progress or in the event of a change in the market situation.

§ 7 Liability
Tenants/landlords cannot assert contractual claims or claims for damages against, as a contractual relationship is established between the landlord/tenant through the use of the object and not with In this respect acts merely as an intermediary. is not liable for failures of a technical nature. A short-term inaccessibility of the server and information does not cause a price reduction. is not liable for incomplete or incorrect object data, seasonal prices, free advertisements, and similar contents shown in connection with an advertisement which have been entered. Furthermore, no liability is assumed for damages resulting from misuse of the published data. expressly distances itself from the content of all linked pages that are not a direct component of its own Internet offer.

§ 8 Partial invalidity
Subsequent amendments and additions are only valid if agreed in writing. Should one of the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions and/or the contract be or become legally invalid in whole or in part, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.

Copyright © 2006-2025 ECLESS S.B.T. İNŞAAT LTD.
Alle wettelijke rechten voorbehouden.
Alle handelsmerken zijn eigendom van hun respectievelijke eigenaren.
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